Sunday, February 27, 2011

(My)Pictures of the Week, february 27, 2011

En: Starting this week I will do, among others, a new experiment: I shall try to post a slide at the end of every week with what, in my opinion, are the best shoots I'll take during that week. There won't be necessarily pictures of the week's main events; I'd rather say that I will select the pictures by quality and creativity. I hope you will like them and I hope to take better and better pictures.

Ro: Incepand de saptamana asta voi face, printre altele, un nou experiment: voi incerca sa postez cate un slide la sfarsitul fiecarei saptamani cu cele mai reusite poze(in opinia mea) din saptamana respectiva. Nu vor fi neaparat ilustrate cele mai importante evenimente din saptamana; mai degraba criteriul de selectie va fi calitatea si creativitatea lor. Sper sa va placa si sa vin saptamana de saptamana cu poze din ce in ce mai bune.

1 comment:

Alex Scurtu said...

Excelente cadrele! :):) Foarte bine surprinse momentele, foarte expresive! Bravo :):):)