En: This week I had the privilege to meet Dana Popa, a documentary photographer, born in Bacau, Ro and now based in London, U.K. Her photographs were published in magazines around the world. Dana's work was shown in many international exhibitions and she got important photojournalism awards. How, she's working on great projects which she approach in a unique style. I recommend
her website. It is very inspiring.
Ro: Saptamana aceasta am avut privilegiul s-o cunosc pe Dana Popa, fotograf documentar, nascuta in Bacau dar stabilita de mai multi ani in Londra. Fotografiile ei au aparut in multe publicatii importante din toata lumea. A participat la mai multe expozitii internationale de fotojurnalism si a luat si cateva premii. In prezent lucreaza la cateva proiecte de anvergura foarte interesante pe care le abordeaza intr-un stil propriu. Recomand sa urmariti
web site-ul ei.