Friday, October 21, 2011


Mihaela Jitaru Ichimas of SCM Bacau compets in the Powerlifting Romanian Cup, 84 kg category, in Bacau, october 15, 2011

Monday, August 15, 2011

Rock it!

I really love these teens enjoying rock music. Few romanian bands performed last weekend during an annual festival called "Serbarile Timisoreana" in Bacau, Ro. I covered the event for the newspaper I work for, trying to catch the thrill of the audience. Everyone enjoyed the show, especially these wonderful youths.

Monday, August 1, 2011

2011 Romanian Boxing National Championship

Last week I photographed the boxers of the Romanian National Championship which was held in Bacau. This time I was focused more on the ring action side of the competition, rather than the off ring. I made a selection of what I considered the best shots I took at the competition. Hope you will like it.

Monday, July 11, 2011


Young boy cools off under a fountain during a hot day in Bacau, Ro.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Romania failed the exam

Picture showing the word "Respins"( rejected) a detail of a results list of the baccalaureate exam at Anghel Saligny High-School, in Bacau, Romania, july 03, 2011.

Only 44.47% of the Romanian high-school graduates were able to promote the basic exam, mandatory at the end of the school, recording the lowest promoting percentage ever in Romania.

Dana Popa

En: This week I had the privilege to meet Dana Popa, a documentary photographer, born in Bacau, Ro and now based in London, U.K. Her photographs were published in magazines around the world. Dana's work was shown in many international exhibitions and she got important photojournalism awards. How, she's working on great projects which she approach in a unique style. I recommend her website. It is very inspiring.

Ro: Saptamana aceasta am avut privilegiul s-o cunosc pe Dana Popa, fotograf documentar, nascuta in Bacau dar stabilita de mai multi ani in Londra. Fotografiile ei au aparut in multe publicatii importante din toata lumea. A participat la mai multe expozitii internationale de fotojurnalism si a luat si cateva premii. In prezent lucreaza la cateva proiecte de anvergura foarte interesante pe care le abordeaza intr-un stil propriu. Recomand sa urmariti web site-ul ei.


En: Flotila 95 Aeriana Bacau(#95 Air Base, Bacau) celebrated its 91st anniversary, on july 2nd 2011, opening its gates for civilians. Military and sport pilots did a great show on the sky for the audience.

Ro: Flotila 95 Aeriana Bacau si-a sarbatorit sambata, 02 iulie 2011, 91 de ani de la infiintare, prilej cu care si-a deschis portile pentru bacauani carora le-a oferit un frumos spectacol aerian.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Vier Pfoten - Four Paws in Egipt 2011

Mihai Vasile's work in Egipt 2011. Play it in HD with the sound on.

Mediafax Foto - Best of 2010

Daca aveti timp si placere, va invit sa vizitati expozitia de fotografie Mediafax Foto-Best of 2010. 50 de lucrari de mari dimensiuni sunt expuse pe gardul Muzeului National de Arta de pe Calea Victoriei, Bucuresti. Mai multe detalii aici.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Photojournalists killed in Libya

War photographers Tim Hetherington and Chris Hondros were killed in Libya. A lot of informations, interviews, their great work and reactions after this tragic event, you can see following these links.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

(My)Pictures of the Week, april 03, 2011

Animal Lover?

Diana Lucan(C), member of Animal Protection Association "Prieteni necuvantatori" and planner of the event, attends a flash-mob during the International Unowned Animals Day, in Bacau, Romania, april 4, 2011.

Do you find this lady(middle) an animal lover?...The decision of wearing a fur vest(authentic or unauthentic), to me, is at least an unhappy one. Especially at this event.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Japan - Tsunami Aftermath

Photographs from Japan from Time and NYT.(updating galleries)

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

(My)Pictures of the Week, march 27, 2011

This week football fans and few shots from Izvoare, one of the poorest neighborhoods in Bacau.

Monday, March 21, 2011

(My)Pictures of the Week, march 20, 2011

This week pictures from rail strike and sports.

Wedding Photojournalism

I found very good and creative pictures at Wedding Photojournalist Association(WPJA) contest. Take a look and you won't regret.

Imagini excelente la concursul Wedding Photojournalist Association(WPJA). Aruncati o privire si nu veti regreta.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Ode to Rod Mar

En: Rod Mar is a photojournalist at The Seattle Times and he was awarded 1st prize in the Olympics Feature category at 66th POYi. I like his picture very much and it was stored forever into my mind. I took a picture that looks alike, somehow...and, of course, at a lower level.

Ro: Rod Mar este fotojurnalist la The Seattle Times iar in 2009 a castigat premiul I la categoria Olympics Feature, la concursul Pictures of the Year(POYi) editia 66. Fotografia mi-a placut foarte mult si mi-a ramas intiparita in minte. Sambata, 19 martie, la un concurs de judo pentru copii am surprins o poza asemanatoare, pastrand proportiile, desigur.

Bronze medalist Adrian Dobrean, watch as the gold medal winner take to the podium during the medal ceremony of U9-42 kg category of a national judo competition for children called "Martisorul" Cup, in Bacau, Romania, march 19, 2011.

Adrian Dobrean, medaliat cu bronz in cadrul concursului national de judo pentru copii "Cupa Martisorului", cat. U9-42 kg, priveste la medaliile castigatorului pe podiumul de premiere, in Bacau, sambata, 19 martie 2011.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

LightBox, by TIME Magazine

TIME magazine's photo department has recently launched the new Lightbox blog and it looks like a brilliant addition to TIME's photo offerings. One of the sections of the new blog is called In Progress, which promises exclusive look at new work. I strongly recommend this blog along with their Photo Essays Gallery.

Departamentul foto al revistei TIME a lansat de curand noul blog foto Lightbox, ceea ce este cu adevarat un lucru excelent pentru sectiunea foto a revistei. Una din sectiunile noului blog se numeste In Progress prin care vom fi la curent cu munca fotografilor de zi cu zi. Recomand acest blog impreuna cu galeria de eseuri Time.

Monday, March 14, 2011

(My)Pictures of the Week, march 13, 2011

3 pics this week

Unionists in Bacau protest against the provisions of the new Labor Code, in front of the headquarters of the Administrative Palace in Bacau, on March 2, 2011.

Unionists in Bacau protest against the provisions of the new Labor Code, in front of the headquarters of the Administrative Palace in Bacau, on March 2, 2011.

Roxana Iosef, of Stiinta Bacau, attempts to score during the match against CSM Lugoj, counting for the 22nd stage of the romanian volleyball championship, A1 division, in Bacau, march 12, 2011.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Scenes from Libya

Check out the daily updated NYT's photo gallery from Libya.

Time Magazine have also an updating gallery from Libya made by Noor photographer Yuri Kozyrev.

Various photographers from Libya, for Panos.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Sports Photos of the Year

For those of you who like sports photographs, (I am one of them) I give you some links to selections of sports images made by great editors around the world:

Boston's Big Shots 100 Best Sports Photographs of 2010( part 1, 2, 3, 4). Also remember Boston's 2009 Sports Photographs ( part 1, 2, 3, 4)

Denverpost's The Game: 2010 Sports Photos of the Year

Getty Images 2010 Year in Focus Sport (4 pages)

New York Times 2010 The Year in Pictures-Sports

I will update this post when I'll find new sports photos selections. A hand of help from you would be welcome.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Family Portrait

Unfortunately, I had only 15 minutes to photograph those people, but their story impressed me a lot.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

68th POYi

Take a look on the winning pictures of the 68th edition of Pictures of the Year international(POYi) contest.

(My)Pictures of the Week, february 27, 2011

En: Starting this week I will do, among others, a new experiment: I shall try to post a slide at the end of every week with what, in my opinion, are the best shoots I'll take during that week. There won't be necessarily pictures of the week's main events; I'd rather say that I will select the pictures by quality and creativity. I hope you will like them and I hope to take better and better pictures.

Ro: Incepand de saptamana asta voi face, printre altele, un nou experiment: voi incerca sa postez cate un slide la sfarsitul fiecarei saptamani cu cele mai reusite poze(in opinia mea) din saptamana respectiva. Nu vor fi neaparat ilustrate cele mai importante evenimente din saptamana; mai degraba criteriul de selectie va fi calitatea si creativitatea lor. Sper sa va placa si sa vin saptamana de saptamana cu poze din ce in ce mai bune.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

World Press Photo 2011

En: The photography of South African photojournalist Jodi Bieber was selected World Press Photo of the Year 2010, by the international jury of the 54th annual World Press Photo contest. The portrait of Bibi Aisha was also Awarded first prize in the Portraits Singles category. Listen to the reaction of the winner.

“This could become one of those pictures — and we have maybe just 10 in our lifetime — where if somebody says, ‘You know, that picture of a girl’ — you know exactly which one they’re talking about,” said David Burnett, the chairman of the general jury, in a statement released by World Press Photo.

Another juror, Ruth Eichhorn, the director of photography of Geo magazines in Hamburg, Germany, was quoted as saying:

It’s an incredibly strong image. It sends out an enormously powerful message to the world, about the 50 percent of the population that are women, so many of whom still live in miserable conditions, suffering violence. It is strong because the woman looks so dignified, iconic.

Ms. Bieber, who was born in South Africa, trained under Ken Oosterbroek in 1993. She worked in South Africa through 1996, when she attended the World Press Photo Joop Swart Masterclass, after which she began working for The New York Times Magazine, among others. She has previously won eight World Press Photo awards.

Here you can see the gallery of the 2011 contest winners.

Ro: Fotografia fotojurnalistei Jodi Bieber din Africa de Sud a fost aleasa World Press Photo of the Year 2010 de catre juriul international al celei de-a 54-a editie a concursului anual World Press Photo. Portretul lui Bibi Aisha a fost, de asemenea, premiat cu locul I la categoria Portrait Singles. Ascultati reactia castigatoarei.

"Aceasta poate deveni una dintre acele fotografii - si avem poate doar 10 in toata viata - in care daca cineva spune: ' Stii, poza cu fata aia...', vei sti exact despre care anume vorbeste", a spus David Burnett, presedintele juriului intr-o declaratie data de World Press Photo.

O alta declaratie a unui membru al juriului, Ruth Eichhorn, director de imagine la revista Geo, Hamburg, Germania, a fost:

"E o imagine incredibil de puternica. Ea transmite un mesaj extraordinar de puternic intregii lumi despre jumatate din populatia lumii pe care o reprezinta femeile din care sunt inca atat de multe care traiesc in conditii mizerabile si indura violenta. Este puternica pentru ca femeia este atat de demna, atat de iconica.

Doamna Bieber, care s-a nascut in Africa de Sud, a fost indrumata de Ken Oosterbroek in 1993. Lucra in Africa de Sud in 1996 cand a participat la un Masterclass World Press Photo Joop Swart, in urma caruia a inceput sa lucreze pentru revista New York Times, printre altele. In trecut a mai castigat opt premii World Press Photo.

Aici puteti vedea galeria de imagini a tuturor castigatorilor concursului din 2011.