The photography of South African photojournalist Jodi Bieber was selected World Press Photo of the Year 2010, by the international jury of the 54th annual World Press Photo contest. The portrait of Bibi Aisha was also Awarded first prize in the Portraits Singles category. Listen to
the reaction of the winner.
“This could become one of those pictures — and we have maybe just 10 in our lifetime — where if somebody says, ‘You know, that picture of a girl’ — you know exactly which one they’re talking about,” said
David Burnett, the chairman of the general jury, in a statement released by World Press Photo.
Another juror, Ruth Eichhorn, the director of photography of Geo magazines in Hamburg, Germany, was quoted as saying:
It’s an incredibly strong image. It sends out an enormously powerful message to the world, about the 50 percent of the population that are women, so many of whom still live in miserable conditions, suffering violence. It is strong because the woman looks so dignified, iconic.
Ms. Bieber, who was born in South Africa, trained under Ken Oosterbroek in 1993. She worked in South Africa through 1996, when she attended the World Press Photo Joop Swart Masterclass, after which she began working for The New York Times Magazine, among others. She has previously won eight World Press Photo awards.
Here you can see the gallery of the 2011 contest winners.
Fotografia fotojurnalistei Jodi Bieber din Africa de Sud a fost aleasa World Press Photo of the Year 2010 de catre juriul international al celei de-a 54-a editie a concursului anual World Press Photo. Portretul lui Bibi Aisha a fost, de asemenea, premiat cu locul I la categoria Portrait Singles. Ascultati
reactia castigatoarei.
"Aceasta poate deveni una dintre acele fotografii - si avem poate doar 10 in toata viata - in care daca cineva spune: ' Stii, poza cu fata aia...', vei sti exact despre care anume vorbeste", a spus
David Burnett, presedintele juriului intr-o declaratie data de World Press Photo.
O alta declaratie a unui membru al juriului, Ruth Eichhorn, director de imagine la revista Geo, Hamburg, Germania, a fost:
"E o imagine incredibil de puternica. Ea transmite un mesaj extraordinar de puternic intregii lumi despre jumatate din populatia lumii pe care o reprezinta femeile din care sunt inca atat de multe care traiesc in conditii mizerabile si indura violenta. Este puternica pentru ca femeia este atat de demna, atat de iconica.
Doamna Bieber, care s-a nascut in Africa de Sud, a fost indrumata de Ken Oosterbroek in 1993. Lucra in Africa de Sud in 1996 cand a participat la un Masterclass World Press Photo Joop Swart, in urma caruia a inceput sa lucreze pentru revista New York Times, printre altele. In trecut a mai castigat
opt premii World Press Photo.
Aici puteti vedea galeria de imagini a tuturor castigatorilor concursului din 2011.