Saturday, March 27, 2010


Hands of volleyball players of Dinamo Bucuresti and Tomis Constanta teams are seen during a match counting for the first of the four play-off tournaments of the romanian women's volleyball championship, A1 division, in Bacau, march 26, 2010.

2010 NPPA Best of Photojournalism - winners

EN: Last but not least, the NPPA Best of Photojournalism contest have chosen it's 2010 winners. Enjoy!

RO: Ultimul dar nu si cel din urma, concursul Best Of Photojournalism al NPPA, si-a ales castigatorii pentru 2010.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

A police officer gives flowers to a woman driver during International Women's Day in Bacau, Romania, March 8, 2010.

A little bit too late, I decided to publish this photo because I saw others liked it.

Monday, March 15, 2010


En: A woman reacts during a concert by singer Victor Socaciu who promotes his new album called "Iedera", in Bacau, march 12, 2010.

The album is dedicated to little Bogy(10 years old)and her family. The little girl was in cerebral death when she gave her kidneys to the artist saving his life in the autumn of 2009. "For this child I wrote the song Imbratisare in cer(Embracing in Heaven) when I was convalescent, and all the other twelve songs of the album came after" said the singer.

Ro: O femeie reactioneaza in timpul concertului sustinut de Victor Socaciu, care si-a lansat ultimul sau album "Iedera", in Bacau, 12 martie 2010.

Albumul este dedicat micutei Bogy(10 ani) si familiei acesteia. Fetita se afla in moarte cerebrala cand si-a donat rinichii artistului salvandu-i viata in toamna anului 2009. "Pentru acest copil am scris cantecul Imbratisare in Cer cand eram in convalescenta, iar dupa acesta au venit si celelalte 12 ale albumului" a spus artistul.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Winners of the 67th POYi Competition

En: Finally, after three weeks of judging, the winners list of the 67th annual POYi competition is done. Here's the winners gallery. For me, taking part live at the judging process was an awesome experience. The organizers made an excellent choice allowing everyone worldwide attend the process. Few photographers from Romania participated at this year contest but, unfortunately, no award this time. For those who don't know, Andrei Pungovschi and Petrut Calinescu are the only two romanians awarded at the POYi. If I'm mistaken, please correct me.

Ro: Dupa trei saptamani de jurizare lista castigatorilor celei de-a 67-a competitii anuale POYi este in sfarsit gata. Aici puteti vedea galeria premiantilor. Pentru mine participarea in direct la procesul de jurizare a fost o experienta extraordinara. Organizatorii au facut o alegere excelenta permitand oricui sa participe la proces. Cativa fotografi romani au participat la concursul de anul acesta dar, din pacate, nu au luat si premii. Pentru cei care nu stiu, Andrei Pungovschi si Petrut Calinescu sunt singurii romani premiati la POYi. Daca ma insel, va rog, corectati-ma.

Friday, March 5, 2010

World Press Photo 2010 winner-disqualified

En: Ukrainean photographer Stepan Rudick, awarded 3rd in the Sport Feature-stories category was disqualified after the jury has analyzed the original photo. Read more about this, here.
The submitted and the original photos can be seen here.

Ro: Stepan Rudik (Ucraina), initial premiat cu premiul III la cateforia "Sport Features-stories", a fost descalificat dupa ce juriul WPP a analizat fotografia originala. Mai multe, aici.
Fotografia trimisa la WPP si cea originala pot fi vazute aici.